The Fruit of Righteousness is Peace

The Fruit of Righteousness is Peace

When nothing’s going right, when the land is dry, when people have given up on God, He has not given up on them. As we step into Isaiah, we enter a place where idols are worshipped and passivity rules. Righteousness isn’t there. But the mercy of God still longs for a...
Victory Belongs to the Lord

Victory Belongs to the Lord

“No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel can avail against the LORD. The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD.” Proverbs 21:30-31 (ESV) We have a lot of self-proclaimed experts running around the Earth. Experts at love and...
The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

Romans 6:8 tells us that God already knows what we need before we ask Him. But don’t stop there.  Go ahead and ask. It might feel like no one else understands. But God does. Talk to Him. When you pray, there is power. There are actions that take place...
Let Jesus Tell You Who You Are

Let Jesus Tell You Who You Are

How often do we let people tell us who we are in a negative way? The picture they paint can quickly become our own self-image. Or maybe you berate yourself with negative talk without realizing it. What we let into our hearts, both negative and positive, can affect how...
Read Your Bible on Your Smartphone

Read Your Bible on Your Smartphone

Want to read your Bible more but need a little guidance?  It is so important to keep God’s word pouring into our minds and hearts continually to help combat all the stress and problems that try to swirl around us.  In and through His Word, we find out...