The Power of Prayer

by | Apr 17, 2022 | Devotions, Knowing God

Romans 6:8 tells us that God already knows what we need before we ask Him. But don’t stop there.  Go ahead and ask. It might feel like no one else understands. But God does. Talk to Him.

When you pray, there is power. There are actions that take place in the supernatural realm that we can’t see. Angels are released to carry out assignments. But they could be waiting for a believer to speak out in faith.

When we speak God’s Word over our lives, we align and agree with something that God has already spoken.

– Bonnie dorough

What do you need? Where do you lack?

Does your relationship need restoring? 
God takes messes and makes masterpieces, so reach out for His hope.

Does your body need healing? 
Jesus paid for your healing with stripes on His back, so declare healing to come into your body.

Does your mind need peace? 
Jesus is called the Prince of Peace, so lay those burdens down so peace can refresh you.

The same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead lives in us. (Romans 8:11)

That is a lot of power!
It is the power to agree with Him.
It is the power to release what He has already spoken.
It is the power to restore.
The power to heal.
The power to supply.

Come to God in prayer. Believe that He has good plans for you. Believe that He has provision that can be released when you speak His words over your life.

Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for taking my place and paying my debts. I believe the same Spirit that raised you from the dead lives in me. I no longer have to live in the past. I get to move forward with hope in your restoring power.  I ask you to supply everything I need (name those things that come to your mind.) Thank you that the heavens open up to bring me help in my time of need. I love you, Lord. Amen.

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