When we sense God’s promise to us, but we can’t see it yet,
When we desire the sea to part before us, but the water still covers our feet,
When we stand in the wilderness and cannot yet see the way,
We must put our trust in Someone who is greater than the circumstance and greater than the natural laws of the world we see. We put our trust in God.
God knows what you need. He knows when you need it and how He will deliver it to you.
While we wait for the path to appear, for waters to part and ways to be made, it is our right and privilege as children of God to speak forth His Word over our life and situation.
In this video, I pray specific scriptures and prayers to give you a place of intention to hear and pray God’s powerful word over your life. You can also use this video as a restful soaking in God’s Word while you close your eyes. Let His word soothe your heart.
Waiting on God is not passive; it is in active, restful trust in God, who loves you and desires wholeness for you.
As you watch this video, may your heart be filled with anticipation of God’s power fully operating in your life.
Do you feel like God is leading you into new ground, new territory or a new trajectory in life, but you haven’t seen it yet?
God may be stirring your heart for something new, and in that waiting time it is important to bless God’s path for your life and put your full trust in His ways, His timing and His ability to make a path in the wilderness or desert for you.
Praying God’s word is an active kind of waiting that rests and trusts in Him, while speaking while prophesying and blessing all that God has in store for you.
This video is a bit different from the others. In this video, I will pray over you by reading God’s word about trusting in Him and for direction in your life. I have written prayers to accompany these verses and I hope that it is not only soothing to your soul, but gives you a stronger trust in God for your life.
If you enjoy it, consider saving it to your YouTube morning or evening playlist as you can rest and soak in God’s word for your life.