Stressed? 4 Steps to a Clearer Mind

by | Oct 9, 2016 | Balancing Life, Devotions

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Do you feel exhausted?  Frustrated?  Are you stressed?

Do you ever feel like a chicken running around with their head cut off and wonder just how much longer you can keep this pace up?

Do you feel exhausted and frustrated? When people ask you what you did this week – can you even remember? Sometimes we are trying to fuel ourselves for daily life and – Baby, it just ain’t workin! Check out these 4 Steps to a Clearer Mind as you team up with God on how you go about your daily life.


Our days breeze past us at break-necking speed.  Where did the week go?  When people ask you what you did this week – can you even remember?

Our daily and weekly tasks can bog us down until we realize we are just about out of fuel.  So we try to fill ourselves up at the mental gas station, and with half a functioning brain, kept alive by coffee, we realize that we have taken our own fuel hose and tried to plug it back into ourselves.  We are trying to fuel ourselves – by ourselves and with our own fuel source – until we realize – Baby, there ain’t nothin there!

This is like trying to recharge your smart phone by plugging the cord back into itself.  It is not connected to a proper fuel source and so it cannot recharge.  Similarly, we look to ourselves to provide what we need in terms of fuel for the day or the week.

But God wants to be our fuel source.  He wants to be our battery charger.  After all, He knows what we really need more than we do.

So what is important in life?  What really matters in our daily tasks?  Ask Him.

4 Steps to a Clearer Mind

  1. Stop and evaluate what you are doing and why you are doing it.
  2. GRAB A PEN and ask God for wisdom on:
    • How to live
    • What to change in your life
    • How to go on from here
  3. Ask God for creative ideas for your daily life.
  4. Ask God to fuel you today and every day

We cannot be our own god and our own fuel source.  It doesn’t work that way.

Maybe God wants you to shift gears and reset, or refocus on something.  Maybe He wants us to hit the reset button, let the frustrations go, shift our mindset and move along differently.  God knows what will be good and He knows the way to go.   We just need to ask Him.

When we stop…look in the mirror and realize how big our burdens have gotten, its time to give them up.  But don’t just stop there.  Asking God for wisdom on how to go through life differently is a game changer.

He may not fuel you to continue doing things in the same way that you currently are.  And if He doesn’t, you can be sure He has fuel for you to live in a different way.  And He wants to show you that way.  He can give you new and creative ideas and different maneuvering methods.

He is the giver of life and the true fulfiller so that we can experience joy and experience His supernatural strength to live out our lives with vigor, vitality and longevity.

Today, God wants to be your fuel source.

So grab onto hope —God wants to take those burdens off of you – whether they feel legitimate or not.  He wants them.  He didn’t create you to wear a heavy load.

So while the enemy tries to strap you up with more burdens, STOP… look in the mirror , see it, and begin to unload, asking God for wisdom and how to shift gears and go on from here.

Scriptures to Encourage You:

The Lord opens the eyes of the blind.  The Lord raises up those who are oppressed.  The Lord loves the righteous.  -Psalms 146:8

Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.  For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name.  Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you.  – Psalm 33:20-22

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.  – James 1:5

For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.  – 1 Corinthians 14:33a

Be Blessed & Be a Blessing!


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