Victory Belongs to the Lord

by | May 15, 2022 | Devotions, Knowing God

No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel can avail against the LORD. The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD.” Proverbs 21:30-31 (ESV)

We have a lot of self-proclaimed experts running around the Earth. Experts at love and relationships, experts at health, experts at war. But all of their wisdom and understanding pale drastically compared to the wisdom, understanding, and counsel of our God. There is none other like Him. He knows the end from the beginning. (Is 46:10)

When doubt and fear try to show their ugly heads, it is time to remind them that our God is King over everything. He is King over pain. He is King over doubt and discouragement. He opens His eyes, and the darkness must hush and bow its knee to Jesus.

“The horse is ready for the day of battle,” but we are privy to the secret—victory belongs to the Lord. So pain and symptoms must be silent in their cry, for the King’s eyes are open upon the land; and as we continue to look at His known victory, we will not be shaken.

Let your heart mull and meditate on this fact today.

Say it over and over when fear comes.

Prayer: Victory belongs to the Lord.

(This article is #1 in the Musing Series. Here are the links to Parts 2 and 3 of the series to help you know God more deeply.)

#2: The Fruit of Righteousness is Peace

#3: Live Safely in God’s Shelter

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